Hi, I’m the founder and managing director of The Gym Journal. While we’re currently a Brisbane-based brand, I have spent the last 14 years in the health industry as a Paramedic working and living in several locations around beautiful QLD.
My career has allowed me to help so many, sometimes in the worst moments of their lives - which is a hugely fulfilling role. However, the gym is ultimately my happy place; a place to switch off from the daily grind, blast some tunes and pick up the heavy things…rinse and repeat.
We are so connected to the outside world all the time; I love that my workout time is basically my time to put up a “not disturb” sign and focus on me for just a small slice of the day.

The idea behind The Gym Journal was born out of sheer frustration
Why doesn’t this exist already?
I had been training in the gym for a few years now and knew that to get the most out of my training I needed a system to start keeping track of my workouts. I have tried literally EVERYTHING – blank notebooks, I’ve given myself carpal tunnel scrolling through endless notes on my phone and tried every app on the market despite the fact they just kept crashing or cost a small fortune.
Nothing seemed to work as organically as my love for fitness! Recording workouts and tracking your progress just shouldn’t be so hard!

I know what you’re thinking
“I’ve seen gym journals before” and hey, you’re right. BUT, just like the apps, just like the systems that failed - none of the journals I’ve tried has fulfilled my needs as a gym goer - so you know what I did? I pulled on my big girl pants and created my own!
I have designed a training journal specifically to help people focus on their health and fitness goals. Minimalistic enough to be easy to use during your workout but detailed enough to give you ample data to keep you on track and progressing towards your goals…best part is, you never have to charge it, update it in the App Store and it’s always there, in your gym bag ready to go.
… and THAT is how The Gym Journal was born!